Category: BCUC updates
BCUC approves third BC Hydro reconsideration request
On March 20, 2024, the BCUC approved a request from BC Hydro to reconsider an earlier BCUC decision that the utility must file two related infrastructure requests together. As a result, BC Hydro no longer needs to obtain a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for its Westbank Substation Upgrade Project at the same…
BC Hydro EV charging rates: BCUC protects ratepayers and the public interest
On March 13, 2024, the BCUC approved BC Hydro’s application for permanent public electric vehicle (EV) charging rates. From June 1, 2024, BC Hydro will charge a rate of 28.28 cents per kWh for Level 2 charging stations and 34.34 cents per kWh for fast charging stations, before adjustments. According to the BCUC, the new…
BCUC abandons attempt to manage BC Hydro’s cost increases
On March 15, 2024, the BCUC approved a request from BC Hydro to rescind the commission’s 2021 direction that the utility to file a performance-based rate application. The BCUC had previously directed BC Hydro to file an application by December 31, 2023 for formula-based rates. In this scheme, BC Hydro would have been automatically compensated…
BCUC stands its ground on regulation of thermal energy systems
On March 15, 2024, the BCUC denied a request from the BC Sustainable Energy Association (BCSEA) to reconsider the BCUC’s recent decision on thermal energy systems exemptions (TES Report), which is currently being evaluated by the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation. In the TES Report, the BCUC recommended changes that would, for…
BCUC approves latest BC Hydro rates increase with no public input
On March 8, 2024, the BCUC approved BC Hydro’s request to finalize rates for its residential customers in fiscal year 2025, beginning April 1, 2024. In this article we look at the process the BCUC used to approve the decision. A separate article explains the decision itself, and how the increase in rates does not…
BCUC approves a rate increase for BC Hydro, but residential bills will fall. Why?
On March 8, 2024, the BCUC approved BC Hydro’s request to finalize rates for its residential customers in fiscal year 2025, beginning April 1, 2024. This article explains the decision; read this article to examine the process the BCUC used to arrive at this decision. BC Hydro’s residential customers pay a fixed basic charge and…
BCUC approves first of four BC Hydro reconsideration requests
On February 20, 2024, the BCUC approved BC Hydro’s request to change a rates decision from 2023. As a result, BC Hydro customers can expect a 2.3 percent increase in their bills in fiscal year 2025 rather than the decrease of 5.9 percent that the BCUC had previously approved. BC Hydro requested the reconsideration because…
BCUC approves Fortis gas pipeline integrity project
On January 15, 2024, the BCUC approved the request from Fortis Energy Inc. (FEI) to proceed with its Transmission Integrity Management Capabilities project for FEI’s interior transmission system. The project involves making modifications to the eight pipelines in the interior transmission system to allow FEI to use high-tech tools for detecting cracks and other pipeline…
BCUC rejects BC Hydro reactive power project request
On January 24, 2024, the BCUC rejected BC Hydro’s request to authorize its Lower Mainland Reactive Power Reinforcement Project. BC Hydro had requested authorization to install reactive power compensation equipment at four substations, and to cease operations at its Burrard Synchronous Condenser Station (the former Burrard Thermal generating plant). The estimated cost for the work…
BC Court of Appeal upholds BCUC decision, rejects City of Richmond’s appeal
On January 17, 2024, the BC Court of Appeal rejected an appeal from the City of Richmond (Richmond) to overturn a BCUC decision. The matter concerned an agreement between FortisBC Energy Inc. (Fortis) and Richmond for the utility to move its gas pipelines to make it easier for the city to upgrade its drainage sewer,…