Will BC Hydro’s ratepayers get “zapped” again?
BC Hydro’s latest call for clean power is being trumpeted as a success. But the energy is going to be expensive, and there are concerns…
Are economic issues derailing BC’s climate agenda?
The energy minister’s new marching orders have different priorities than a year ago, and may reflect a new degree of realism in the face of…
Eight predictions for BC’s energy sector in 2025
It’s time to gaze into the regulatory crystal ball. Here are some predictions for 2025, from the safe bets to the really long shots. 1.…
Fortis residential gas bills rose 17.5 percent on January 1
This is a shocking increase in one year, which the BCUC should have considered smoothing out. But worse may be to come – and it’s…
BCUC agrees to a more robust process in BC Hydro Fort Nelson proceeding
In addition to letters of comment, interveners will now get to make a final argument, but the BC Sustainable Energy Association still won’t be able…
BCUC agrees public has right to see reasons for Cambie Gardens Energy decision
In a win for transparency, the BC Utilities Commission reverses an earlier ruling that its reasons for the Cambie Gardens Energy complaint decision should be…
BCUC bars environmental advocate and denies due process in BC Hydro Fort Nelson proceeding
The BC Utilities Commission’s failure to conduct proceedings in a public and open manner is undermining its credibility as an impartial adjudicator. Introduction The BCUC…
BC Hydro let off the regulatory hook, again
BCUC reverses its decision to oversee BC Hydro’s planning of diesel replacements in non-integrated areas, despite pleas from First Nations. Introduction On October 22, 2024,…
The City of Vancouver should allow the use of natural gas heating for new buildings
Using some natural gas for building heat may allow us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions faster and with less risk to the reliability of the…
BCUC reverses yet another BC Hydro regulatory decision
Evidence is mounting that the BC Utilities Commission is no longer independently regulating the provincially owned electricity utility. Introduction On October 22, 2024, the BC…