BC should reconsider its opposition to nuclear energy
We’re going to need a lot more electricity from somewhere, and the nuclear option is looking increasingly credible. Recent announcements Three recent items in the…
BCUC closes Cambie Gardens complaint without resolution, but denies access to the reasons
The BCUC’s decision probably has valuable lessons for the thermal energy systems market in BC and may signal a change in approach to its regulation.…
BC Hydro forced to rely on electricity imports last year
The drought caused BC Hydro to import $1.4 billion-worth of electricity last year. Profits from Powerex, its energy trading subsidiary, will subsidize the additional cost…
BC Hydro’s operating expenses are growing too fast for comfort
BC Hydro’s operating expenses are rising considerably faster than inflation. This will work its way through to increased electricity rates. The latest results BC Hydro’s…
BCUC approves FortisBC Fruitvale substation project
After detailed scrutiny by the BCUC, FortisBC’s Fruitvale substation project will go ahead, despite local opposition. But are the BCUC and the government applying the…
BC Hydro revenues drop nearly a billion dollars in one year
BC Hydro’s unaudited revenues for the 2023/24 fiscal year are reported to be $7,131 million, a reduction of $896 million compared to the previous fiscal…
Independent BCUC review of BC Hydro’s capital spending is at risk
On August 2, 2024, the BC Minister of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation wrote to the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) giving it advance approval…
FortisBC LNG storage facility in Kelowna planned to replace rejected Okanagan pipeline
FortisBC Energy Inc. (FortisBC), BC’s largest natural gas distribution company, announced it has applied to the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) to build a liquified natural…
Does the BCUC’s 2017 Site C Inquiry still measure up?
A lot has changed since the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) reviewed the Site C project in 2017. How does the BCUC’s analysis look with the…
How independent is the BCUC’s oversight of BC Hydro?
BC’s Auditor General recently warned that future government directions regarding BC Hydro’s net income are a “risk area” for the provincial accounts, which have twice…