Category: General commentary
Utilities Commission rejects BC Hydro’s request to delay its next integrated resource plan
The delay was not justified, and would have undermined recent improvements in BC Hydro’s planning process. The BCUC was right to reject the request. On February 20 BC Hydro, the province’s largest electricity utility, applied to the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) for a one-year delay in the submission of its next integrated resource plan. I…
Will we ever get to see BC’s 2024 climate accountability report?
The 2024 Report was due in June last year. What could be holding it up? As I reported in July last year, the government still owes us the Climate Change Accountability Report for 2024. The Climate Change Accountability Act says that the minister “must” publish the 2024 Report by June 30, 2024. Even today, the…
Electrification trumps affordability as BC Hydro abandons its two-tier residential rate structure
Today’s rate design is being phased out to encourage the transition to a cleaner economy. Most BC Hydro residential customers, especially those on low incomes, will pay more as a result. Introduction Rate designs are among the most important and influential decisions made by the BCUC. They don’t happen often (BC Hydro’s last comprehensive rate…
BC Hydro wants to delay its next integrated resource plan
Well, that’s a shocker – BC Hydro wants an extra year to develop its next long-term plan. Approving the request is a bad idea, but the BCUC will probably do it anyway. Background In its decision approving BC Hydro’s 2021 Integrated Resource Plan in March 2024, the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) directed the utility to…
Surrey and BC Hydro in $41 million property dispute
The City’s allegation that transmission facilities are trespassing on a highway is unlikely to succeed. Surrey taxpayers and BC Hydro’s ratepayers will pay the cost of proving this point. Growing pains The City of Surrey is a fast-growing municipality in Vancouver’s lower mainland with a population of around 700 thousand people, expected to exceed one…
BC’s climate policies could cause Fortis gas bills to increase 66 percent by 2030
A combination of planned increases in the carbon tax and the use of renewable natural gas will test the minister of energy’s ability to meet his new energy affordability mandate. Introduction At the start of the year, Fortis, BC’s largest gas distribution utility, announced that gas bills for the majority of its residential customers will…
Will BC Hydro’s ratepayers get “zapped” again?
BC Hydro’s latest call for clean power is being trumpeted as a success. But the energy is going to be expensive, and there are concerns it won’t be available soon enough. Note: On February 12, BC Hydro announced the cost of its clean power call. The actual cost is at the end of this article.…
Are economic issues derailing BC’s climate agenda?
The energy minister’s new marching orders have different priorities than a year ago, and may reflect a new degree of realism in the face of financial constraints. Introduction On January 16, 2025, BC cabinet ministers received their “mandate letters” from the premier; public statements of his expectations of them and their ministries. Mandate letters are…
Eight predictions for BC’s energy sector in 2025
It’s time to gaze into the regulatory crystal ball. Here are some predictions for 2025, from the safe bets to the really long shots. 1. The BC government will fail to meet its 2025 GHG emission reductions target Likelihood: Take this one to the bank. Let’s start with an easy one. The government still maintains…
Fortis residential gas bills rose 17.5 percent on January 1
This is a shocking increase in one year, which the BCUC should have considered smoothing out. But worse may be to come – and it’s clear the BC government’s energy affordability objectives don’t apply to gas customers. Introduction On December 5, the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) announced that gas rates for FortisBC Energy Inc. (FEI),…