Just and Reasonable

Promoting good governance in BC's energy sector


Just and Reasonable is a source of news and analysis from BC’s energy sector. The focus is on the role of the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC), and what its decisions mean for utilities, customers, and residents of BC.

Just and Reasonable is published by Richard Mason, a former commissioner at the BCUC, who founded the initiative to promote good governance in BC’s energy sector.

The name “just and reasonable” comes from the test used when setting public utility rates. The phrase embodies the notion of balancing competing considerations in the public interest.

You are welcome to suggest news items, upcoming events and topics of interest, but sadly we can’t promise we will have the time to act on all of them.

Disclaimer: the content on this site is not legal, financial or any other form of advice, and may contain the opinions of its author(s)!

Disclosure: From time to time I may provide support to public interest advocacy groups, and may receive BCUC funding for this work. I may also undertake consulting projects, for which I may be paid. I will disclose in articles any relevant business relationships where I believe a potential conflict might arise.